Monday, May 01, 2006

Just came across a really good piece of advice that is pertinent to my work world – from the current issue of ESQUIRE magazine of all things - in an article about improving health and well-being they suggest changing the way you use your lunch hour:
“…run errands…go to the gym. Grab lunch on the way back and eat it slowly over the course of the afternoon. You’ll get the energy you need from the food, but you’ll get it slowly, as you need it, and you’ll avoid that 3:00pm urge to close your door and take a nap [emphasis added].” [Esquire, May 2006, p.112] These are the kinds of tid-bits I’d like to work into a training I’m contributing to on the management of Out-of-School-Time. What role does our own personal health and energy play in our ability to manage stress? Well, as it turns out, a big one!


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